A very cool, solid adobe home w/attached casita in a very close-in spot seeks a new owner! Sited on a quiet street, with well-established landscaping throughout, its authentic Southwest style, featuring vigas, brick flooring, unique original tile & kiva fireplace, provides a warm, nurturing environment that soothes the soul. In addition to the eat-in kitchen's custom island, two steps up will take you to a sizeable dining room that leads to a spacious portal; two steps down leads to the bedroom wing. Up an exterior stairway, you'll find a wonderful roof deck to enjoy some spectacular views! Its converted garage has been a rental since the late 90s, & can continue as such or be re-purposed as a home office or 3rd bedroom. Additional storage abounds with 6 sheds!!! Easy access to both the dog park and the River Trail. Truly a VERY special City Different property for a VERY special buyer.